Terms and Conditions
Published 16 April, 2020
1. ACYP at its sole discretion will determine whether your feedback is to be considered in relation to this website.2. By making your submission, you or your parent/guardian accept to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
3. Anyone can provide feedback. However, ACYP will prioritise feedback from children and young people between 0 to 24 years of age over any other feedback.
4. ACYP will consider feedback from those who physically live in NSW with a NSW mailing address only.
5. All feedback is to be completed online through ACYP’s website https://www.digitallunchbreak.nsw.gov.au/feedback and all supporting documentation uploaded (if any). Any physical information, applications or materials sent or delivered to the ACYP office will not be accepted, nor will ACYP be responsible for their return.
6. When providing feedback, you must provide your name, age, email address, and the name and contact telephone number of your parent(s) or guardian if applicable.
7. If you are under 18 years old:
a. ACYP may contact your parent/guardian or carer in relation to your submission.
b. You must receive parental or guardian consent to make a submission. You must provide a valid phone number of your parent/guardian so that ACYP may verify such consent.
8. You must exclusively own all intellectual property rights in your feedback. Proof of ownership may be required, and you agree to complete or provide all such documentation as may reasonably be requested to confirm such proof of ownership.
9. By making your feedback, you grant to ACYP, whilst fully retaining your intellectual property rights to your feedback, a national, royalty-free licence, including a right to sub-licence, to enable ACYP and its sub-licensee(s), including third parties, to freely use your feedback in relation to this website.
10. ACYP will not disclose any of your personal information to a third party without consent. However, if you are under 18 years old ACYP may contact a particular service or organisation in relation to your feedback without your consent.
11. Inappropriate feedback including but not limited to those depicting nudity, violence, unsafe activities, substance abuse or misconduct will not be accepted, determination of which is at the sole discretion of ACYP.
12. You or your parent/guardian indemnify the ACYP on demand by the ACYP in respect of all claims demands, liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described) losses, costs or expenses directly or indirectly incurred or suffered by the ACYP in respect of the following:
a. any infringement by you of any intellectual property rights of any other person in respect of your feedback;
b. making your feedback;
c. any injury or damage to you and your parent/guardian or any other person's computer relating to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in connection with making your feedback;
d. the use of your feedback by the ACYP; and
e. any breach of these Terms and Conditions.
13. Your feedback will not be returned to you.
14. If you require assistance, please phone the ACYP office on 02 9248 0970. You can send feedback to: participation@acyp.nsw.gov.au
15. ACYP reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, accepting feedback in relation to this website with or without prior notice due to reasons outside its control (including, without limitation, in the case of anticipated, suspected or actual fraud). The decision of ACYP in all matters under its control is final and binding.
16. ACYP shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but are not limited to, weather conditions, any pandemic declared, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.
17. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New South Wales. ACYP and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
18. ACYP collects personal information in order to use your feedback in relation to this website, and to improve its services. The provision of personal information is voluntary. If you decline to provide your personal information you will not be eligible to make your feedback. ACYP is bound by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). Your personal information is held by ACYP. You have the right to access and correct the personal information that ACYP holds about you. If you would like to access or update your personal information, please contact us by emailing acyp@acyp.nsw.gov.au
19. This website contains links to other websites that are external to ACYP. ACYP takes reasonable care in linking websites but has no direct control over the content of the linked websites, the changes that may occur to the content on those websites, or the security arrangements applying to those websites. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and completeness of information contained on linked external websites.
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