
For the latest information and advice on Covid-19, please visit the NSW Government website.

ACYP are continuing to focus on the needs of children and young people and are working closely with government agency colleagues and the social and community sectors. This page is dedicated to bringing factual information about Covid-19 to children and young people.

A series of updates can be found below including videos that answer questions and provide helpful information. Regular updates will be added to this page so please ensure to check back often.


Dr Kerry Chant interview

26 November, 2020

In this video, Grace asked Dr Chant questions that were put forward by children and young people in NSW about socialising, protecting vulnerable family members, testing and a COVID-19 vaccine.


Professor Rachel Skinner interview

17 June, 2020

In this video Grace Rowe asks Professor Skinner questions children and young people have asked about looking after their mental health and wellbeing.

A/Commander Paul Simpkins of NSW Police sitting with 2017 Young Achiever of the Year Ankit Bailwal

A/Commander Simpkins interview

28 April, 2020

This week we bring you information from NSW Police on how children and young people can continue to protect themselves and their community from COVID-19.